Property for Rent, For Sale, Lands for sale & Cars Shipping

Let us find the perfect home for you in Cameroon
Year built


Real estate is one of Dabex Trading Company Sarl activity. Currently, it’s the featured activity of the company. At Dabex, we give you the local views about homes for rent, homes for sale, plots of land for sale, markets, and trends to help you figure out exactly what, where, and when to buy, sell or rent. You can also find real estate agents/agencies, view prices of vacant houses/lands, and see home values in your community. Get advice and opinions from local real estate agents, brokers, and other local experts.

We save you from FRAUDSTERS

Watch the video below and see how we save you from Fraudsters

Let us help you relocate today !

Choose Dabex today and be save of the STRESS involved in searching for a studio, apartment or house for rent or sale. Our real estate service is there for you.

why choose us

We are experts

Dabex have acquired expertise in real estate over years of hard work

We are world wide

Dabex helps you find the perfect home not only in Cameroon but also abroad (Germany)

The best in Cameroon

In the local environment, we are Leaders in real estate. We have astonishing numbers


We have a huge portfolio fill with landlords' contacts, houses and land owners.

Our Team

We have a focused and dedicated team of agents and staff who are committed to excellence for the customer experience


Dabex has earned trust as we provide good and reliable services. We are very trustworthy

Explore our estates by city


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